Coordinating Minister Luhut Called Handling Covid-19 and Economic Recovery Conducted Together

Source: | 21 Jul 2020
President Joko Widodo has formed a Committee for handling Covid-19 and National Economic Recovery. Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Panjaitan said that the formation of this committee was intended so that the handling of Covid-19 was carried out in tandem with economic recovery.
“For the handling of Covid-19, I, the president, announced yesterday, we have been summoned. Handling of Covid-19 is carried out in an integrated manner, so handling Covid-19 is economic. So it will go hand in hand, ”said Luhut, Tuesday (21/7).
Luhut also said that each country has a different strategy in dealing with Covid-19, given the different characteristics of each country.
“Because we are an archipelago, we have our own way of dealing with Covid-19,” he said.
Furthermore, Luhut asked the public to remain obedient and disciplined in implementing health protocols. According to him, things such as wearing masks, washing hands and maintaining distance must still be applied. However, he asked the public not to overdo it, because according to him the Covid-19 case in Indonesia was still better than other countries.
The committee for handling Covid-19 and National Economic Recovery is regulated in Presidential Decree number 82 of 2020. The regulation states that this committee was formed to accelerate the handling of Covid-18 and the recovery and transformation of the national economy.
The committee consists of a policy committee, a Task Force for Handling Covid-19 and a Task Force for Recovery and National Economic Transformation.
The Policy Committee is chaired by the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, Airlangga Hartarto. While Luhut was appointed as Deputy Chair I.
Not only that there was also Deputy Chair II, namely the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Deputy Chair III namely the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture, Deputy Chair IV of the Minister of Finance, Deputy Chair V, Minister of Health, Deputy Chair VI of the Minister of Home Affairs while Chairman The executor is the Minister of BUMN.