The Ownership Structure

BNBR dividend policy is set in the Prospectus when the Company was conducting its Initial Public Offering (IPO), the policy is stated in the “Dividend” section, which states that BNBR will pay out dividends with respect to the financial condition and business development plans. The magnitude of the dividend payout ratio and/or the amount of the dividend per fiscal year is set by the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS).
With due regard to the Capital Market and other prevailing law, the Company plans to pay cash dividends to its shareholder every year, without reducing the rights of the GMS to decide otherwise. Proposed policy of dividend payments to shareholders, whose names are listed on the Shareholders Register, is as follow:
Each of the listed companies, subsidiaries/business units and associated companies has their independent dividend policy.
Referring to the Company’s business plan for the coming fiscal year as well as the provisions of Article 70 and Article 71 of the Limited Liability Company and the requirements in BAPEPAM Circular Letter No. S-2057/ PM/2003 which regulates, among others, usage of profit in the form of dividends can be done if the Company has positive retained earnings and total equity; therefore according to the decision of the Annual GMS in 2019 the usage of Company’s profit of the fiscal year ended December 31, 2018 was decided as retained earnings. While for fiscal year ended December 31, 2019 will be decided in the coming Annual GMS in 2020.