Bakrie Group Policy Facing Corona Virus Pandemic (Covid-19)

Source: BNBR Public Relations | 28 Sep 2020
Observing the national emergency condition of the outbreak of the corona virus (Covid-19) in Indonesia, systematic and integrated efforts are needed by all Bakrie Group Companies (KUB) in mitigating to prevent and minimize the spread of the Covid-19 outbreak in the KUB environment.
In relation to the foregoing, we hereby convey the following key policies to all KUB Company Managers:
- Every company is obliged to issue an appeal to all employees to implement a clean and healthy lifestyle, provide sanitary and hygienic facilities and infrastructure for personal and office environments such as work spaces, meeting rooms, dining rooms, places of worship, and so on.
- Each company must issue internal policies that regulate technical work according to the characteristics of their respective industries, which ensure effective company operations. This internal policy includes at least: a. Work from home (“WFH”) rules are enforced for employees over 50 years of age and / or employees using public transportation, with due regard to the Company’s operational effectiveness. b. Directors and employees with a position / position 1 (one) level below the Board of Directors, continue to work as usual. c. Employees who work for WFH are not allowed to leave their homes and continue to report their work done every day in accordance with applicable company policies. d. For employees of the Company who are unable to leave work because of meeting the needs of production targets, as well as services to other parties, so that they can make appropriate work schedule arrangements so that the Company’s operations can run well. e. Limitation of direct interaction between employees by prioritizing communication via telephone, e-mail, and messaging applications (WA / Line / Telegram) or using teleconference or video-conference facilities. f. Arrangement of attendance schedules and / or special coordination meetings for employees who are included in the team regarding the fulfillment of obligations to the financial and government authorities (OJK, IDX, Taxes, etc.), for example the completion of tax reports and financial reports. g. Companies within the KUB should immediately issue an internal policy that regulates in more detail about WFH and emergency measures related to Covid-19 according to their respective operational needs.
- Travel restrictions apply: a. Postpone business trips out of town and abroad to avoid the possibility of interacting with large crowds in public facilities that have the potential for physical contact and exposure to people infected with Covid-19. b. If the trip is very urgent to be made, it must first obtain approval from the highest management of the Company. c. Prohibiting employees and / or their families from traveling outside the city or abroad for personal gain or vacation. However, if employees and / or their families continue to make the trip, the Company does not bear any risks that arise. The provisions regarding this matter will be adjusted to the policies of the respective companies.
- Internal policies issued by each company should be immediately set forth in the form of a Company Internal Memorandum and will take effect from Tuesday, March 17, 2020 until further notification from the Company’s leadership.
- The Human Capital & Corporate Communication Division at the KUB Company should be actively involved in disseminating this policy and coordinating regularly so that it can run effectively.
- The Information Technology (IT) Division is to prepare infrastructure that ensures the achievement of WFH effectiveness as well as optimizing coordination / communication between employees and between departments / divisions.
- If in its development the Government determines a lockdown status, the Company is asked to comply with this stipulation and adjust the Company’s operational arrangements.
In the event of an emergency, Company employees can contact:
Rasuna Medical Center (RMC) Bakrie Tower 25th floor Jl. H.R Rasuna Said Setiabudi, South Jakarta Telephone 021-2994-1770 Responsible person dr. Budi 0818.92.8386
This was conveyed so that it can be carried out as well as possible. Hopefully the Covid-19 outbreak can be resolved soon and business activities can return to normal as before.
Thank you for your attention and cooperation.
Anindya N. Bakrie