Campaign For Occupational Safety And Health, Bakrie Construction Prioritizes Work Safety

07 Feb 2018
Welcoming 2018, PT Bakrie Construction (Bcon) conducted a Month Safety, Health and Safety (K3) campaign for 1 month from 12 January to 12 February, at Bcon Yard, Sumuranja Village, Pulo Ampel District, Cilegon, Serang, Banten. The national movement on K3 culture campaign was carried out according to Law no. 1 of 1970 and to encourage the achievement of the independence of the Indonesian people with K3 culture in 2020.
PT Bakrie Construction GM Yard & Operation Holding, Pawenary, said that in conducting its business operations, the subsidiary of PT Bakrie & Brothers is very concerned about K3. With this program, Bcon hopes that employees are always careful when working, especially that Bcon is a company that manufactures heavy equipment.
“Thankfully, in January 2018 BCon collected 12,226,623 man-hours (MH) with the title Zero Accident from 2008 to 2018,” Pawenary explained.
This K3 campaign, continued Pawenary, is very important for Bcon. Moreover, Bcon is currently working on two major projects, namely the Husky CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML) project and the BV (Back & Veatch) project.
The HCML project that is being done is in the form of making a Wellhead Platform MBH & MDA with a volume of 6000 tons involving 500 workers and planned to be completed in May 2018. The BV project, which is in the form of making Steel Gantry and Coal Silo weighing 400 tons stage 1. While for stages 2 and 3 the volume is around 2000 tons.
“Phase I of the project is planned to be completed in February 2018,” said Pawenary.
In addition, Pawenary also conveyed the message of PT Bakrie Construction’s CEO, Dody Taufik Wijaya, which contained that all employees provide support and participation so that all projects run smoothly, productively and efficiently. So the company will be better going forward.
On the same occasion, Bcon also installed Suntony from PT Alter as Chief Security. Suntony is a retired military officer who previously served in the Bojonegara Koramil with the rank of Sergeant Major. In his remarks Pawenary hoped that the new Chief Security would be able to improve the discipline and development of Bcon’s security personnel, most of whom were natives around the factory area.
General Manager of Unit 1 Bcons, Yen Rizal, in opening the K3 campaign, had the opportunity to read remarks from the Ministry of Labor. The remarks, one of which alluded to the need for the application of K3 in various aspects of the construction world, especially the oil & gas world.
In addition to all PT Bakrie Construction Yard Sumuranja employees, the opening of the K3 month campaign was also attended by representatives from Husky CNOOC Madura Limited, a number of Bcon partners including PT Timas, PT Winn Metal, and subcontractors of PT Gondara Sakti and PT Inti Artha Niko. (ZEN /WEN /JFR)