RI Has Abundant NRE Treasures, Only 0.4% Used

Source: CNBCIndonesia.com | February 14, 2025
Indonesia has a lot of new and renewable energy (NRE) potential, but only very little has been used. Director General of New, Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (EBTKE) of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Eniya Listiani Dewi, revealed that the EBT currently used by Indonesia is still relatively small.
“Indonesia’s total EBT potential is 3,687 GW, but the installed capacity is only 14,883 MW, so the potential for new NRE used in the electricity sector is only 0.398% or almost 4% in December 2024,” he said at Carbon Neutrality at the Gambir Expo Kemayoran, Friday (14/2/2025).
The potential distribution of NRE is spread across various islands in Indonesia. The details are that Sumatra has 1,240.64 GW, Java has 696.58 GW, Maluku and Papua have 518.46 GW, then Kalimantan has 517.53 GW, Bali and Nusa Tenggara 457.17 GW and Sulawesi 257.36 GW l.
“As for the potential for NRE that exists in our area, what could actually be said to be the NRE barn is Sumatra Island. 34 percent of NRE is found on Sumatra Island. And followed by Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and so on,” said Eniya.
From his presentation, solar power is the largest with a potential of 3,294 GW, while the installed capacity is 917 MW, then wind has a potential of 155 GW while the installed capacity is 152 MW
Furthermore, water is also one of the NREs with a potential of 96 GW and an installed capacity of 7,066 MW, then sea has a potential of 63 GW with an installed capacity of 0 MW, Bioenergy has a potential of 57 GW with an installed capacity of 3,669 MW, then geothermal has a potential of 24 GW but the installed capacity is only 2,639 MW. “From the potential we have, the biggest is solar. So this is what we want to explore. And we hope there will be quite a lot of bioenergy,” said Eniya.