Economic Adaptation During the Covid-19 Pandemic, This Is the Government’s Strategy

Source: | 14 Jun 2020
The Presidential Special Staff for the Economy, Arif Budimanta, explained a number of indicators used by the government in the strategy for adapting to economic life. One of them is the reproduction rate (RT) below the number 1 for 14 days or more.
“One person cannot spread (the virus) to more than one person,” said Arif in a CIDES discussion in Jakarta, Sunday (14/6/2020).
Both are inherent risks of Covid-19 transmission for every sector of the economy. So, said Arif, this is why the mall was the last location to open. “Because it’s a place where people gather,” he said.
The three benefits of each economic sector in six aspects. First, contribution to GDP, contribution of labor, portion of credit, contribution of household consumption to GDP, poverty alleviation, and sector linkage index.
With this economic benefit indicator, the government has created a matrix between economic management and health risks. The government wants this adaptation system to produce high economic benefits but low health risks.
Fourth, massive testing at least 5 percent of the population. Then contact tracing, equipment availability such as Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), health protocols, promotions, to supervision.
However, the University of Indonesia (UI) Epidemiologist, Pandu Riono, criticized the aspects of social restrictions that are being applied to society. This is because the approach taken is limited to top-down policies and supervision from the legal apparatus.
In fact, it should be able to pass awareness in society through their respective communities. “How many officers have to supervise, can’t afford it,” he said.