Category: News and Media

INKA Collaborates with VKTR, Builds Indonesia’s Electric Vehicle Industry Ecosystem
VKTR Prepares Medium Size Electric Bus to Serve Greater Bandung
Transjakarta Collaborates with VKTR to Turn Diesel Buses into Electric Buses
Profit Back After the Pandemic, BNBR ‘Pivoting’ Towards Sustainable Business and Targets VKTR IPO
VKTR and Tambang Nikel Sulteng (TNS) Cooperation in Supplying Nickel Ore
VKTR and Jasa Sarana Prepare Electric Buses for Greater Bandung
BNBR Business Unit Builds Research and Development Center for Electric Vehicle Batteries
PENS & VKTR Collaborate to Develop Components and Mechatronics of Electric Vehicles
BNBR Soon ‘Upgrade’ to Sustainable Business
Sustainable Energy Becomes Bakrie’s Future Business Focus


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Perjalanan perusahaan dimulai dengan kisah bisnis perdagangan kecil yang berkembang, dan selama lebih dari 75 tahun berkecimpung di bisnis investasi / divestasi, telah mencapai berbagai prestasi dan mengantarkan Bakrie menjadi salah satu korporasi terkemuka di Indonesia.