
Sustainable Energy Becomes Bakrie’s Future Business Focus
Bakrie Participates in Building EBT Power Plant in Selayar
The Government Is Increasingly Focused On Developing Electric Vehicles
Bakrie Group response to Coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19)
BNBR teams up with ITB to build Coastal Protection System
Our Dedication to Community and Social Development
Our Sustainability Efforts
Bakrie Group Policy Facing Corona Virus Pandemic (Covid-19)
A Recession Is In Front Of The Eyes, SMI’s Third Quarter Economic Projection Is Minus
Economist Values ​​Government Missteps to Safeguard the Economy


Bakrie & Brothers history bg

Perjalanan perusahaan dimulai dengan kisah bisnis perdagangan kecil yang berkembang, dan selama lebih dari 75 tahun berkecimpung di bisnis investasi / divestasi, telah mencapai berbagai prestasi dan mengantarkan Bakrie menjadi salah satu korporasi terkemuka di Indonesia.