Author: Adrozen Ahmad

Now there are 52 Transjakarta Electric Buses in Operation
Ready to be Published, Government & PLN Agree on New Rules for Rooftop PLTS
Collaborating with Tri Sakti, VKTR expands E-Bus Factory and E-Trucks in Magelang
The Automotive Components Industry is Predicted to Grow 13.2 Percent in 2023
IPO, VKTR Becomes the First Public EV Heavy Mobility Company in Indonesia
Returning to Profit, BNBR Continues New Business Expansion
Transjakarta Electric Bus Successfully Reduces Emissions by 5.5 Million Kg of CO2
Anindya Bakrie Supports Envision Racing Team in Formula E
Soon to Go Public, VKTR Becomes a Pioneer Electric Buses in Indonesia
Bakrie Group Presents Another Fleet of Electric Buses in Jakarta


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Perjalanan perusahaan dimulai dengan kisah bisnis perdagangan kecil yang berkembang, dan selama lebih dari 75 tahun berkecimpung di bisnis investasi / divestasi, telah mencapai berbagai prestasi dan mengantarkan Bakrie menjadi salah satu korporasi terkemuka di Indonesia.