Bakrie Tanggap Distributed Aid To Flood Survivors In Lebak Banten

13 Jan 2020
Bakrie Tanggap distributed logistical assistance and provided psychosocial trauma healing services to residents of flash flood survivors in 3 locations in Lebak Regency, Banten Province, Thursday (01/09/2020). The three locations are Bujal Village, Banjarsari Village, Lebakgedong District; Kampung Bolang, Bungurmekar Village, Sajira District; and Kampung Sajira Timur, Sajiramekar Village, Sajira District. Logistics assistance provided included food packages, food ingredients, mukena, women’s equipment, baby equipment, health equipment, and a number of clothes.
General Manager of Bakrie Amanah, Setiadi Ihsan, said that Bujal Village is one of the most severely affected areas in the region. At least 20 houses were lost in the flood and 50 others were destroyed.
“According to information from volunteers in the field, this area could only be penetrated by the rescue team on Wednesday (01/08/2020) yesterday afternoon. Because the infrastructure of roads and bridges is damaged and landslides, it cannot be accessed at all, “said Ihsan.
The team consisted of a number of volunteers driving a fleet including 1 unit box car, 1 unit ambulance, 1 unit ranger, and 1 unit minibus. To arrive at the disaster site the team had to pass a winding road on the edge of a steep cliff, slippery and muddy by landslides, and the shoulder of the road partially eroded by rainwater and flooding.
“Many suspension bridges that connect one village to another village are cut off, so to reach the location of volunteers must cross the river with the help of a rubber boat mine,” said Ihsan.
Ihsan added, based on data compiled by a team of volunteers, the victims affected by flash floods in Lebakgendong District alone totaled at least 1,346 people from 362 households. With 8 dead victims.
Since January 2, Ihsan continued, the local government and volunteers have been building refugee tents which are currently inhabited by around 200 refugees. Refugee tents have also been equipped with public kitchens capable of producing 400 packs of food.
“Logistics assistance to date has been deemed sufficient but has not been evenly distributed to all victims,” added Ihsan.
Ihsan said, this week Bakrie Tanggap will complete emergency logistical assistance to a number of flood disaster locations in the Greater Jakarta and Banten areas. In the next stage, the team will prepare to carry out post-disaster relief activities and the recovery process for the survivors.
“God willing, we will do psychosocial activities in the form of trauma healing for the survivors, especially children and vulnerable people. There are also health education activities for survivors to prevent the emergence of post-disaster diseases, “he said.
Since the first day of the flood disaster in Jabodetabek and Banten, Bakrie Tanggap has descended directly to the disaster site by distributing logistical assistance as an emergency response. Assistance has been distributed, among others, to Kebon Pala and Kampung Pulo, East Jakarta; Rawa Buaya, Kedoya, and Kalideres, West Jakarta; Babelan, Bekasi; Ciledug and Karangtengah, Tangerang; Sukajaya and Cigudeg, Bogor; and Lebakgendong, Lebak, Banten. (ZEN)